Child custody considerations
On behalf of Rebeck & Allen | Sep 16, 2019 | Firm News
It is a good idea to discuss holidays before the season rolls around. According to Guyvorce, it is easier to find a good solution for your family if you and your ex-wife communicate peacefully. You may decide to alternate holidays each year. The kids might spend Thanksgiving with you this year, for example, and then spend this holiday with their mom next year. Alternatively, you may decide it is best if the kids always spend certain holidays with one parent. In this situation, the kids might always spend Thanksgiving with you and Christmas with their mom.
During your first holiday season as a divorced parent, you may miss your family’s holiday traditions. However, co-parenting provides you with an opportunity to make new traditions with your children. If your kids will spend this Thanksgiving with their mom, you might host your own Thanksgiving dinner with them earlier in the month. During the Christmas season, you might take your kids to special holiday events so you can share the season with them even if they will not be at your home on Christmas Day.
It is important to remember that successful holiday co-parenting typically requires flexibility and patience. Sometimes your children may get sick around the holidays and be unable to come see you. If a member of your wife’s extended family is sick, she may want the kids to spend a holiday with her, even if it is not her turn for that holiday. It is important to remember that you cannot always control everything that happens and learn to negotiate with your wife. Additionally, it is a good idea to keep your focus on the kids so they can enjoy the holiday season.
This information is general in nature. You should not use it in place of legal advice.